DICE x UNiDAYS | Giving Back to Our Student Community

Hey students! We’ve watched as you have supported DICE from the very beginning when we were just getting started. Year in and year out, the student demographic has made up for such a huge part of the community we have worked so hard to build. When it comes to live events, music, dancing the night away, or just having fun…you all just GET it. The vision we have always had has thrived in large part because of YOU! So, we knew it was time to give back. The response to our announcement of our partnership with UNiDAYS has been amazing and we want to make sure everyone is on track so each student can get the most out of this new exclusive opportunity!

To access full benefits, be sure to log in ONLY with your UNiDAYS-verified email! Just like we keep ticketing fair, we are keeping these exclusive student benefits fair as well. Your feed will automatically be updated showing events closest to the college or university you attend – how helpful! It will also highlight exclusive student events for 18+ students. Don’t miss out on all of the exclusive and budget-saving fun on DICE. It’s the least we could do to show you how much we appreciate your continued support throughout the years – from beginning to now!

Turn notifications on to get exclusive free-ticket opportunities! Also, follow us on social media to find out how to win DICE guest list for you and a +1 an ENTIRE YEAR!

*Not affiliated with DICE or UNiDAYS*

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